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This page contains 2 6 part videos put together by Bill Page covering our tour. The 11th RRU was composed of platoons supporting each Brigade of the 1st Infantry Division during 1965 and 1966. The video is composed of photos and some news clips from the time with text descriptions and a sound track of music from the day.

There are 6 video segments for Det 2, 3rd RRU and for the 11th RRU. They are somewhat large, running from 36MB to 360MB in size so a broadband is suggested for online viewing. To download a segment and view offline, just right click and se;eck Save Link As from the popup menu. They are in the .wmv format.

Det. 2, 3rd RRU - The Video:
11th RRU - The Video:

Other videos:

Robert Swankoski:

Phouc Vinh (155MB)

John Micheal Black:

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Next page: Reunions